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About The Artist

D'Arcy Martin is a fused glass artist from the Great Northwest who has been designing and creating for almost 20 years.  Born with a restless, creative imagination, he has always 'dabbled' in the arts.  He would jump around to new mediums as the seasons changed.  What started out as friendship bracelets in the 80's turned to painting ceramics, clothing, watercolors and even glass in the 90's.  Over the years, nothing kept his interest long enough for it to reign supreme year after year until....his amazing wife signed him up for a 2-day glass fusing class at Bullseye Glass in Portland, Oregon.  When he returned home that first night his wife noticed a sparkle.  The allure of all those colors and light, along with the smoothness and coolness of the glass was overwhelming.  Using 1300 degrees in a kiln to fuse and create glass is a beautiful and challenging partnership between the artist and the laws of physics.  Designing projects with structure and color still must face intense heat for up to 16 hours.  The end of every firing comes the moment of truth when the birthday package is unwrapped and the kiln opened with squinty, anxious eyes. 

     Within months of that class a kiln was purchased, other crafts and arts were forsaken, and the journey had begun!  Slowly, the mistakes and the finger cuts lessened and the projects dazzled.  No longer were friends and family receiving a hand-painted tie, homemade liqueurs, or a birdhouse.  They were getting something unique and glassy.  Something that, with a little care, would last a millennia.


I invite you to come along for the colorful ride.  The possibilities are endless.  The possibilities are yours.    


Thank you for your visit,


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